M.M.C. International. B.V. established November, 1992 and located in Breda ,The Netherlands.
M.M.C. is specialized in the production of presumptive Narcotics and Precursors Identification Tests. The Narcotics and Precursors Tests are developed in close cooperation with Police and Customs & Excise authorities. M.M.C. International has a worldwide network of approx. 50 Distributors.
M.M.C. International’s laboratory is especially focused on the production and development of narcotic identification products. The tests are produced in accordance with the requirements set by Police Forces, Customs & Excise and Forensic Laboratories.
The ampoule tests are filled with special treated solid materials which are impregnated with very high quality reagents and a blanket of high purity nitrogen and hermitically sealed. Each batch is continuously tested and registered.
All products are stamped with a batch number, production and expiry date.
Products: MMC Narcotic Identification Screening Tests, MMC Forensic narcotic tests, MMC Urine Tests.
The major clients are: Police, Customs & Excise, Prisons and Law Enforcement Authorities.